CASERS 2023 report
Mobile medical centres
Medical missions to de-occupied territories of the Donetsk, Kharkiv and Kherson regions with doctors of different specializations from all over Ukraine.
We provide consultations and all needed: express tests, cardiograms, ultrasound examinations, medicine and prescriptions, referrals for further examinations / hospitalization, etc.
patients consulted
people 60+ years old
volunteer doctors

Telemedicine centres
We provide nurses on spots with telemedical equipment and connect with family and specialized doctors from all over Ukraine. Such equipment allows telemedicine consultations to be as quality as offline ones.
We opened centres in Kharkiv, Donetsk and Kherson regions in collaboration with primary health care centers with support from health departments. This helps primary health care centers to continue to provide their services despite the evacuation of doctors.
Necessary medical help is available for people in de-occupied villages on time in their location, no matter how far the nearest working hospital is.
Medical evacuations and hospitalizations
We organize medical evacuations from the de-occupied and frontline territories of the Donetsk, Kharkiv and Kherson regions. After the blowing up of the HPP we were in red zones in a few hours to evacuate low-mobile people.
Also we help to get to hospitals and organize hospitalizations.
people evacuated
people whom helped with hospitalization

Medicines and humanitarian aid
We always give people medicines prescribed by doctors so they have everything needed for treatment.
We're always happy to help hospitals and outpatient clinics with equipment and supplies and deliver humanitarian and medical aid from our partners.
This year, one of our projects was buying crutches for low-mobile people to help them move more freely.
people supplied with medicines
tons of humanitarian aid
Meet us
people in the team, including:
— nurses, coordinators, drivers on the field;
— management staff (managers, accountant etc)
volunteers: doctors, nurses, drivers, managers and others.
With the support of

How to support us in providing medical help civilians in frontline and de-ocuppited areas?
Provide medical equipment
We're always looking for ways to provide more needed medical services. For this, we need:
— portable ultrasound;
— portable blood analyzer;
— fluorography machines;
— ophthalmologist's equipment;
— mobile dental clinic / portable dentist equipment, etc.
We're open to different opportunities to add new examination methods we can use on the spot during our missions.
Donate for the immediate needs
Support us one time to help cover current needs: fuel, consumables, medicine, etc.
Provide the vehicle
We're looking for an off-road vehicle for our missions. The roads on de-occupied territories are poor, and our ambulances constantly need repairs. So we need a spare reliable transport to reach people constantly.
Support our sustainability
We are looking for sustainable funding for the organization to continue its work, save health and lives.
Do you have other ideas?
Don't hesitate to contact us If you have other ideas on how to provide more quality services for people in de-occupied territories.
Please email us at